Saturday, 2 March 2013

Space kitchen with some render

I am very happy with the difference between a regular render and a render with some ambient occlusion added ^^ !

Here is the result :

Dalek Render

Here is my version of the Dalek, hope you enjoy it !

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Some other Stikfa pieces

Some more other Stikfa pieces .

I'll try to keep you updated as I get more done !!

Stikfa hand done.

After hours of trying to create that hand yesterday, today, Matt showed me how to do it in one freaking minute XD !!

1 - First attempt.
2 - First attempt tweaked to look more like reference.
3 - Good way showed by Matt ( Thank you ).
4 - Final Stikfa hand mesh ^^!

More to come !!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Stikfa started!

            This is only the beginning more to come ^^ !

Daleks with colors!!!

So, I'm still not sure wich dalek color I want but I'll figure it out ! ;)

My Dalek model so far with different colors.